Disclosure of Information and Proxy Authorization Form

Student Details

To be completed by the Student
As per your Passport/ Identification Card (IC)
Example: 700012345
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Example: 700012345@student.curtin.edu.my. NO Personal email.

Authorize Person Details

Please provide the name of the person that you authorize to disclose relevant details.
Please provide the authorize person's IC/Passport number
Relationship with Authorize Person(Required)

Privacy Statement

Keeping personal data of individual secure is a top priority for us at Curtin Malaysia. In view of the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010 implemented to safeguard the usage of personal information, you have the right to know the reasons we collect and use the personal information you have provided; how we will use the personal information and whom we may share the personal information with. For details of how the university will use, disclose and protect your personal information, please refer to https://www.curtin.edu.my/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Curtin-Malaysia-PDPA-2022-.pdf. By agreeing to this form, you are subject to the Student Privacy Notice of the University and have consented to the processing and disclosure of your personal data for the fulfillment of this contract.