University Grades

Information below represents University Grading System used at Curtin.


The grades and mark range seen below will correspond with the grades that you will see on your Academic eRecord and Academic Transcript. An unofficial Academic Transcript (Academic eRecord) containing past results can be accessed via your My Results tab of eStudent in OASIS.

PASS Pass Student has passed a unit classified as a Pass/Fail unit.
FAIL Fail Student has failed a unit classified as a Pass/Fail unit.
PX Pass After Further Assessment Student has passed the unit following a Further Assessment. PX shall replace the previously recorded X.
FX Fail After Further Assessment Student has failed the unit following a Further Assessment. FX shall replace the previously recorded X.
F-IN Fail – Incomplete/Insufficient Assessment May be used as an alternative to FAIL at the discretion of the Board of Examiners where a student has not completed or submitted all required assessable work for the unit.
ANN Result Annulled Due to Academic Misconduct An ANN grade shall remain on the student’s academic record for a minimum period of 12 months after the student ceases study at Curtin University. After this period, a student may apply to the Academic Registrar to have the ANN grade converted to a FAIL (Pass/Fail units) or an F:0 (grade/mark units). The application must be in writing and provide an explanation of the circumstances of the original offence and justification for converting the ANN grade. The Academic Registrar shall take into account the views of the relevant Head of School in making a decision whether to convert the ANN to a FAIL or F:0. In deciding whether to approve the conversion of an ANN grade to a FAIL or F:0, the Academic Registrar may take into account any relevant factors including:

  • the circumstances of the original offence and the level of seriousness of the academic misconduct that led to the imposition of the ANN grade or grades;
  • whether the student was found guilty of more than one instance of academic misconduct;
  • the period of time that has elapsed since the ANN grade or grades were imposed.

The Academic Registrar may refuse to convert an ANN grade to a FAIL or F:0 where a student has been found guilty of more than one instance of academic misconduct or where the offence was of such magnitude that conversion to a FAIL or F:0 is considered inappropriate.

WD Withdrawn Late
10 Pass 100 Student has passed a unit classified as a Grade/Mark unit and achieved a percentage mark in the range specified without Further Assessment or without a pass having been conceded.
9 Pass 90 -99 As above
8 Pass 80 – 89 As above
7 Pass 70 – 79 As above
6 Pass 60 – 69 As above
5 Pass 50 – 59 As above
F Fail 0 – 100 Student has failed a unit classified as a Grade/Mark unit.
P Any passing grade Student has passed a unit classified as a grade/mark unit. Refer 2.6 in section “University Grading System.”
PX Pass After Further Assessment 0-100 Student has passed the unit following a Further Assessment. PX shall replace the previously recorded X and the mark will remain the same as that originally recorded.
FX Fail After Further Assessment 0-100 Student has failed the unit following a Further Assessment. FX shall replace the previously recorded X and the percentage mark will remain the same as that originally recorded.
F-IN Fail – Incomplete/ Insufficient Assessment 0-100 May be used as an alternative to F at the discretion of the Board of Examiners where a student has not completed or submitted all required assessable work for the unit.
ANN Result Annulled Due to Academic Misconduct 0 An ANN grade shall remain on the student’s academic record for a minimum period of 12 months after the student ceases study at Curtin University. After this period, a student may apply to the Academic Registrar to have the ANN grade converted to a FAIL (Pass/Fail units) or an F:0 (grade/mark units). The application must be in writing and provide an explanation of the circumstances of the original offence and justification for converting the ANN grade. The Academic Registrar shall take into account the views of the relevant Head of School in making a decision whether to convert the ANN to a FAIL or F:0. In deciding whether to approve the conversion of an ANN grade to a FAIL or F:0, the Academic Registrar may take into account any relevant factors including:

  • the circumstances of the original offence and the level of seriousness of the academic misconduct that led to the imposition of the ANN grade or grades;
  • whether the student was found guilty of more than one instance of academic misconduct;
  • the period of time that has elapsed since the ANN grade or grades were imposed.

The Academic Registrar may refuse to convert an ANN grade to a FAIL or F:0 where a student has been found guilty of more than one instance of academic misconduct or where the offence was of such magnitude that conversion to a FAIL or F:0 is considered inappropriate.

WD Withdrawn Late 0

Used for both Pass/Fail and Grade/Mark units.

X Outstanding Further Assessment Student, who otherwise would be awarded a grade of F or FAIL, is granted a Further Assessment by a Board of Examiners. Once the further assessment is completed, the student shall be awarded a grade of either PX (Pass After Further Assessment) or FX (Fail After Further Assessment). In both cases, for Grade/Mark units the original mark shall be retained. An X grade must be converted to a final result by no later than the end of the subsequent study period in which the student is enrolled. Any extension must be approved by the Director, Student Services (or delegate).
DA Deferred Assessment Where a final component of assessed work within a unit of study is approved to be done at a later date, but not later than the end of the next study period in which the student is enrolled. A DA grade must be converted to a final result by no later than the end of the subsequent study period in which the student is enrolled. Any extension must be approved by the Director, Student Services (or delegate).
OA Ongoing Assessment This interim grade may be used where assessment tasks and assessment for a unit cover more than one study period (the study period of enrolment and the subsequent study period). The OA grade may be used as an interim (holding) grade until the assessment tasks and assessment are completed. An OA grade must be converted to a final result by no later than the end of the subsequent study period in which the student is enrolled. Any extension must be approved by the Director, Student Services (or delegate).
GNS Grade Not Submitted A result in a unit is not available to the Board of Examiners because marking is not complete. A GNS is an interim grade and must be converted to a final grade within 1 month after the Board of Examiners. Any extension must be approved by the Director, Student Services (or delegate).
D Deferred Assessment This grade has been discontinued
PC Conceded Pass This grade has been discontinued
DNA Did Not Attend This grade has been discontinued
DNC Did Not Complete This grade has been discontinued
OR Ongoing Research This grade has been discontinued
PA Pass Grade Only This grade has been discontinued
W Withdrawn Late This grade has been discontinued